The Golden Rice Project. And the 2. 01. 6 World Food Prize goes to. Biofortified Sweet Potatoes. Complementary Feeding Programs Philippines' title='Complementary Feeding Programs Philippines' />
Biofortification Empowering and Self sustaining. The 2. 01. 6 World Food Prize has been awarded to the group of scientists who have tirelessly worked on breeding and introducing orange fleshed sweet potatoes to Africa and thus benefitting millions of people, especially children, who are most susceptible to a lack of provitamin A. The World Food Prize thus once again recognises efforts to increase the quality and quantity of available food to the most vulnerable populations in the world. Three of the 2. 01. Complementary Feeding Programs Philippines Pesos' title='Complementary Feeding Programs Philippines Pesos' />Margo Responsive HTML5 Template. We are an Institutional Cooperative serving members from the entire Armed Forces of the Philippines AFP. The 2016 AIPPI World Congress took place in Milan, home of fashion, industry and design. Milan offered a pleasant environment to learn and discuss hot IP topics CONTENTS 1. Introduction 1 2. World Tourism Organisation Indicators 2 3. Korg Legacy Collection Keygen. UN Commission on Sustainable Development Indicators of Sustainable Development. Complementary Feeding Programs Philippines Airlines
Complementary Feeding Programs Philippines IslandsThis course is designed to provide an overview on epidemiology and the Internet for medical and health related students around the world based on the concept of. TABLE OF CONTENTS. The Two Countries at a Glance. Country Profile Netherlands. Country Profile Philippines. The Netherlands. 12. DutchPhilippine Relations. Complementary Feeding Programs Philippines' title='Complementary Feeding Programs Philippines' />Drs Maria Andrade, Robert Mwanga and Jan Low are from the CGIAR International Potato Center CIP. The fourth winner, Dr Howard Bouis, is the founder of Harvest. Plus at the CGIAR International Food Policy Research Institute IFPRI, and is being recognised for his work over 2. Vitamin A deficiency VAD is considered to be one of the most harmful forms of malnutrition in the developing world. It can cause blindness, limit growth, and weaken the bodys immune system, thereby increasing morbidity and mortality. The condition affects more than 1. It is probably the leading cause of child blindness in developing countries. Biofortification seeks to improve nutritional quality of food crops through agronomic practices, conventional plant breeding, or modern biotechnology, as in the case of Golden Rice. The approach of providing farmers with biofortified crops, indepedently of the technology used to achieve it, is thus the most efficient way of creating a self sustaining and virtuous cycle of nutritional independence and life quality improvement. In the case of sweet potatoes, breeders utilise the fact that varieties producing and storing high levels of beta carotene provitamin A are available in the Andean region of South America and thus can use these for breeding purposes and create new orange fleshed varieties acceptable to regional taste preferences in Africa. Unfortunately, such genetic variability is not available for every crop, thus requiring the use of laternative approaches to generate the new, desirable trait. Before the introduction of orange fleshed varieties people in Africa had a preference for white fleshed varieties, something which is changing thanks to the work of the WFP 2. That goes once more to prove that preferences can evolve, especially when consumers can be convinced of the benefits to their children. And more than that, the example of the orange fleshed sweet potato has proven that the matrix of biofortified crops are perfectly suited as a conduit to carry the much needed micronutrient, in this case is provitamin A. The outcome of this project calls for rapid introduction and adoption of a number of biofortified crops, like Golden Rice, biofortified bananas, cassava, sorghum, and other crops rich in other micronutrients like iron and zinc, which would address other major, widely spread nutritional deficiencies. Nobel laureates updated Nov 2. Greenpeace over GMOsfrom the Washington Post June 2. More than 1. 00 Nobel laureates have signed a letter urging Greenpeace to end its opposition to genetically modified organisms GMOs. The letter asks Greenpeace to cease its efforts to block introduction of a genetically engineered strain of rice that supporters say could reduce Vitamin A deficiencies causing blindness and death in children in the developing world. By all standards, Nobel Prize laureates are usually considered the finest intellects that humanity has to offer, notwithstanding the fact that tens of thousands of other fine scientific minds and many other serious thinkers are supportive of biotechnology in agriculture. Add to that the simple fact that we all have been eating the biotechnology derived products for the last twenty years without a single case of adverse effects linked to the biotechnological intervention as such, and non experts should be able to arrive at the same conclusions that these fine minds have arrived at. And that is that biotechnology has already become part of the standard toolset used in plant breeding in combination with all other technologies developed and used since the inception of agriculture as we know it. Heres a link to the press briefing by Sir Richard Roberts FRS and two other Nobel Laureates on the topic Nobel Laureates Press Conference 3. June 2. 01. 6Here is the full text of the article 1. Nobel laureates sign letter blasting Greenpeace over GMOs. You may also want to read Adrian Dubocks Executive Secretary, Golden Rice Humanitarian Board comments on how Greenpeace and other GMO critics misrepresent the Golden Rice Humanitarian Project at the Genetic Literacy Project site Disembedding grain Golden Rice, The Green Revolution, and heirloom seeds in the PhilippinesAre you aware of the very important Support Precision Agriculture Initiative If youre interested in reading about the pro GMO campaign and learn more about agricultural biotechnology follow the link provided with the initiatives name, and if you like and agree with the content please Please sign on at the following page Join Us The White House Office of Science and Technology Policy and the U. S. Patent and Trademark Office USPTO have announced the winners of the 2. Patents for Humanity Award, among them the Golden Rice Project. Patents for Humanity is a USPTO program that recognizes patent owners and licensees working to improve global health and living standards for underserved populations. The program advances the Presidents global development agenda by recognizing private sector leaders who bring life saving technologies to those in need, while showing how patents are an integral part of tackling the worlds challenges. The award has been bestowed upon the Golden Rice Project, in particular to Prof Ingo Potrykus, Prof Peter Beyer, and Dr Adrian Dubock. The latter attended the official award ceremony on 2. April 2. 01. 5, accompanied by Dr Rob Russell, a member of the Golden Rice Humanitarian Board. Back in 2. 00. 1, in a ground breaking humanitarian licensing arrangement, the three applicants with Dubock then working for Syngenta arranged in a cashless transaction for the defined commercial rights in US patent US 7,8. Syngenta. The inventors retained rights to the carefully and generously defined humanitarian applications. Syngenta, in return for its commercial options acquired, became obligated to support the humanitarian and non profit vision of the inventors, and the inventors public sector licensees, rights to exploit any improvement, including as exemplified by patent application US2. A1. Syngenta stated in 2. Nevertheless, Syngentas obligations to support the inventors and their Golden Rice humanitarian project remain in place. Dr Adrian Dubock front left collected the award at the White House on 2. April 2. 01. 5 together with Prof Rob Russell, Golden Rice Humanitarian Board memberrear left. These arrangements demonstrate that patents have a very useful role, even for projects involving developing countries, where the protection of intellectual property rights may be less well developed. Without the inventors having applied for patents, it would not have been possible to discuss and develop the above mutually beneficial arrangements between the private and public sectors. Moreover, having the Golden Rice patent in place was crucial to obtaining access to the supporting technology package from other inventors.