Install Apache2 On Solaris 10


How-to-install-and-configure-apache-web-server-in-Ubuntu-Step4.jpg' alt='Install Apache2 On Solaris 10' title='Install Apache2 On Solaris 10' />HowTos HowTos. Installation. Operating Systems. CentOS Debian Fedora FreeBSD Mac OS X Microsoft Windows openSuse Solaris Ubuntu Web and Application Servers. The grep is a most powerful file pattern searcher that comes equipped on every distribution of Linux. In this article I will cover some useful 12 grep commands. Manual Running Media. Wiki on Debian or Ubuntu. Handbook Of Australian Meat 7Th Edition'>Handbook Of Australian Meat 7Th Edition. This page documents how to install Media. Wiki using the release tarballs. If you want to use system packages, see User LegoktmPackages. This page explains how to install Media. Wiki on a Debian or Ubuntu GNULinux server. The instructions below refer to Debian, but unless otherwise noted also apply to Ubuntu and Raspbian. This installation procedure requires knowledge of issuing commands from a terminal e. When text editing is required it can be carried out on the graphical desktop by pressing Alt F2 and typing. Alternatively, editing can be done from a terminal. Of course, kate could be used instead of gedit or vi instead of nano. Step By StepeditEnsure Debian is up to dateeditDouble check that Debian is up to date by running. Install LAMP StackeditUbuntu Server Edition makes LAMP Apache, PHP, and My. SQL available for installation during the install process. During the installation step, make sure you choose to install a LAMP server. Electrical And Electronic Technology By Edward Hughes Pdf. Alternately, you can install all of these packages from a standard installation using these commands Note Ubuntu 1. LTS Xenial and Debian Stretch include PHP 7. In addition, some PHP modules are now in separate packages xml, mbstring. Note Ubuntu Trusty, Debian Jessie and Raspbian Jessie include PHP 5, and use php. Optional useful packageseditThese packages are not necessary but may be useful, depending on the installation Name. Package. Description. Alternative PHP Cachephp apcu or php. Modern Media. Wiki versions will automatically take advantage of this being installed for improved performance. PHP Unicode normalizationphp intl or php. Media. Wiki will fallback to a slower PHP implementation if not available. Image. Magickimagemagick. Image thumbnailing. Inkscapeinkscape. Alternative means of SVG thumbnailing, than Image. Magick. Sometimes it will render SVGs better if originally created in Inkscape. PHP GD libraryphp gd or php. Alternative to Image. Magick for image thumbnailing. Microsoft Office Word 2007 Em Portugues Gratis'>Microsoft Office Word 2007 Em Portugues Gratis. PHP command linephp cli or php. Ability to run PHP commands from the command line, which is useful for debugging and running maintenance scripts. You can install any of the above with sudo apt get install packagename. Get Media. WikieditThis can be done from a browser or by. Downloads. wget https releases. Web directory. tar xvzf pathtofilemediawiki. Configure My. SQLeditRegular setupedit Note This step is not necessary if you were prompted to create a mysql root password during My. SQL installation. First, set up a mysql root password. Remember not to use same password for system root and mysql root. Make sure that you do the following command after a space so that bash the command line shell will not add it to your command history. Secure setupeditConsider running mysqlsecureinstallation. This program enables you to improve the security of your My. SQL installation in the following ways. You can set a password for root accounts. You can remove root accounts that are accessible from outside the local host. You can remove anonymous user accounts. You can remove the test database which by default can be accessed by all users, even anonymous users, and privileges that permit anyone to access databases with names that start with test. Optional Configure PHPeditThese steps are optional and can be done post installation. How-to-install-and-configure-apache-web-server-in-Ubuntu-Step2.jpg' alt='Install Apache2 On Solaris 10' title='Install Apache2 On Solaris 10' />Oracle acquired Sun Microsystems in 2010, and since that time Oracles hardware and software engineers have worked sidebyside to build fully integrated systems and. A10server Manage A10 Networks AXSoftAXThundervThunder devices server object. Manage A10 Networks AXSoftAXThundervThunder devices. ServletJSP Tomcat. Install Apache2 On Solaris 10' title='Install Apache2 On Solaris 10' />Media. Wiki will still work without these changes. Edit your PHP configuration file, php. On Ubuntu Trusty and Debian Jessie, it is located at etcphp. On Ubuntu Xenial and Debian Stretch PHP 7, it is located at etcphp7. Maximum upload file sizeeditAssuming that various files are going to be uploaded to the Wiki as content, the limit on the maximum size of an upload has to be adjusted. About one half way down is the File Uploads section. Change to at least 2. M. You may have to adjust this again in the future if you want bigger uploads. Memory limiteditSome PHP scripts require a lot of memory to run. To increase the maximum amount of memory a script can use, page down to about 2. If it is already set to 1. M or more, leave it as is. Configure Media. WikieditNavigate your browser to http localhostmediawiki for certain installations it may be http localhostmediawikiconfig or http wiki. If this gives a 4. Pay close attention for Checking environment. Media. Wiki installation script. This can solve a lot of problems by specifically identifying the source of any errors. It may complain that php extensions like mbstring and xml are missing even you have installed them. Please manually activate them by using. Fill out the configuration form and continue. Under Database Config, you may change the database name and DB username to new values, but you must turn on Use superuser account, name. The configuration process will prompt you to download a Local. Settings. php that must be saved to the parent directory of the new wiki. The configuration page will give the exact directoryfilename that must be moved. DownloadsLocal. Settings. And navigate your browser to http localhostmediawiki or http serveripaddressmediawiki or http serveripaddressmediawikiindex. Done You now have a working Wiki. Additional wiki configurationeditGeneral informationeditMediawiki is configured by the Local. Settings. php file, usually found in varlibmediawiki. Manual Local. Settings. The following are changes that appear to be universally helpful. To edit Local. Settings. Local. Settings. php. Local. Settings. php. File uploadseditSee Manual Configuring file uploads. Manual Configuring file uploads. Changing the logoeditSee Manual wg. Logo. Manual wg. Logo. Media. Wiki extensionseditThe current tarball for Mediawiki comes with a package of 1. Instructions on how to enable extensions can be found at Manual ExtensionsInstalling an extension. Manual ExtensionsInstalling an extension. Pretty URLseditTo use wikiinstead of wikiindex. Debian, follow the recommended short URL guide using mediawiki as the script path instead of w and placing the rewrites in etcapache.