Outlive Game

Cersei Lannister A Wiki of Ice and Fire. Cersei Lannister is the only daughter and eldest child of Lord Tywin Lannister of Casterly Rock and his wife, Lady Joanna Lannister. She is the twin of her younger brother, Ser Jaime Lannister. In the television adaptation Game of Thrones Cersei is played by Lena Headey, and is portrayed when she is a child by Nell Williams in a Season 5 flashback. After Roberts Rebellion, Cersei married King Robert I Baratheon and became Queen of the Seven Kingdoms. She is the mother of Prince Joffrey, Princess Myrcella, and Prince Tommen of House Baratheon of Kings Landing. Cersei becomes a POV character in A Feast for Crows. Appearance and Character. See also Images of Cersei Lannister. The Nobel Prize winner has proved unusually consistent and enduring. Outlive Game' title='Outlive Game' />The Origin of Menopause Why Do Women Outlive Fertility New research sheds light on why women survive for decades when females in many other species die after they. 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She is hungry and greedy for power. Cersei believes herself to be subtle4 and politically astute. She hates being excluded from power on account of her gender,1. She thinks of herself as a female version of her father,1. Lord Tywin, but instead give her their counsel, or disagree with her, which she faults on her gender. Cersei is impatient,7 and never forgets a slight, whether real or imagined. She considers caution to be cowardice and disagreement for defiance. Her quick temper and her easily wounded pride frequently lead her to make rash decisions, and she rarely considers what unintended consequences her actions might have. She does not shy away from using sex as a weapon. History. Early life. Cersei was born in 2. AC as the first born child and only daughter to Ser Tywin Lannister, heir to Casterly Rock, and his wife, Lady Joanna. Cersei was born shortly before her twin brother Jaime, who was holding her foot. King Aerys II Targaryen sent the twins their weights in gold as a name day gift, and commanded Tywin to bring the children to court when they were old enough to travel. It is currently unknown whether this visit to Kings Landing actually occured, as the royal court came to Casterly Rock following the death of Lord Tytos Lannister in 2. AC. 1 Cersei and Jaime did visit Kings Landing in 2. Undelete Plus 3.0 Serial. AC, when their mother brought them from Casterly Rock for the Anniversary Tourney held to celebrate the tenth year of King Aeryss reign. During their early childhood, Cersei and Jaime were inseparable. They looked so similar as children, up to the point that not even their father was able to keep them apart. Because of their similar looks, Cersei occasionally wore Jaimes clothes and took lessons from the master at arms in his stead, without anyone realizing. They played in the bowels of Casterly Rock, where the caged lions of Cerseis late grandfather, Tytos, were kept. Cersei and Jaime would dare each other to climb into the cage. Cersei once dared to go as far as touch one of the lions, until her brother pulled her away. Cersei and Jaime slept together in the same bed when they were very young,2. During one of these encounters, they were caught by a servant who informed their mother. A guard was placed near Cerseis bedchamber, whilst Jaimes bedchamber was moved to the other side of the castle. The twins were told never to do anything like that ever again, as Joanna would otherwise be forced to tell their father. Cerseis mother died not long thereafter,2. AC,12 when giving birth to Cerseis younger brother, Tyrion. For killing her mother, Cersei despised her youngest sibling. Shortly after Joannas death, the Princess of Dorne visited Casterly Rock with her two youngest children, Elia and Oberyn Martell. Though Tyrion was kept out of sight during the visit of the Martells, Cersei promised Princess Elia to show Tyrion to her. Threatening her brothers wet nurse before sending her away, Cersei undid Tyrions swaddling clothes and hurt her little brother, until Jaime stopped her. The Princess of Dorne proposed a betrothal between Cersei and Oberyn, during this visit, but she was refused, and Tywin informed her that Cersei was meant as a bride for Prince Rhaegar Targaryen. Attempted betrothal to Rhaegar Targaryen. Cersei Lannister by Elia Fernandez. Lord Tywin Lannister first informed Cersei of his wish to betroth her to the crown prince when she was no older than six or seven, though he told her never to speak of it until a betrothal was officially announced. Cersei drew a picture of her and Rhaegar on a dragon, once, though she claimed it depicted King Jaehaerys I Targaryen and his sister wife, Alysanne, when Jaime discovered it. At the age of ten in 2. AC, Cersei became infatuated with Rhaegar after meeting him for the first time during the tournament in honor of Viseryss birth at Lannisport. Before the tourney began Cerseis aunt, Lady Genna, informed Cersei that her betrothal to Rhaegar would be announced during the final feast of the tourney. After being separated from Jaime following their mothers discovery of their sexual experimenting, Cersei had numerous bedmaids and companions, daughters of Tywins bannermen and household knights who were of an age with her. While Cersei occasionally appreciated their company, she had not liked any of them, believing them weak and convinced they were trying to come between her and Jaime. Following Gennas announcement that Cerseis betrothal to Rhaegar would soon be announced, Cersei brought Melara Hetherspoon and Jeyne Farman to a woods witch, Maggy the Frog. After Jeyne fled out of fear, Cersei inquired as to when she and Rhaegar would wed and how many children they would have. Maggy correctly predicted Cerseis marriage with the king and the amount of children both would have. She went on to prophesy that Cersei would outlive her children, who would die as kings and queens, and that after everything she had was taken away by a younger and more beautiful queen, the valonqar would come to end her life. Melara suggested that if they never spoke about it, the prophecies would not come true. However, Melara died shortly after their visit to Maggy, and it is implied that Cersei killed the girl to prevent her from speaking of the prophecies. After Melaras death, Cersei inquired with her septa, Saranella, about the meaning of valonqar, who informed her it was High Valyrian for little brother. Cersei eventually became convinced that Tyrion was the valonqar Maggy spoke of, resulting in her despising and mistrusting him even more than she had before. The prophecy of the valonqar has continued to haunt Cersei. Avalon One Groove Activator'>Avalon One Groove Activator. After the guests left the westerlands, Cersei learned from her aunt that Tywin had proposed the betrothal to King Aerys II Targaryen, but Aerys refused Cersei as a bride for his son and heir. Pc Games Action Games on this page. Living at court. At the age of twelve, following the failure of Lord Steffon Baratheons mission to find Prince Rhaegar Targaryen a suitable bride in Essos, Cersei was taken to Kings Landing by her father, who still served as Hand of the King. In the following years, Lord Tywin Lannister refused every offer of marriage for Cersei. According to Jaime, Tywin still had his sights set on a Targaryen match, either hoping to betroth Cersei to young Prince Viserys or hoping for Rhaegars new bride, Elia Martell, to die in childbirth.