WLO-MTTY-011816-1024x549.jpg' alt='Download Mtty Software' title='Download Mtty Software' />N1. MM Logger Website Digital Setup. Quick Start RTTY Setup. Using the Creative Sound Blaster XFi Surround 5. Pro USB sound interface as baseband sampler for QSD based SDR receivers Martin Pernter, IW3AUT. TS590S HOWTO Digital QuickStart. Some General Comments Getting digital software to work properly with any radio is not a fiveminute Plug. Winrad is a free amateur radio program conceived by Jeffrey Pawlan, WA6KBL, that implements many Software Defined Radio SDR functions which are needed for. SO2VSO2R in MMTTY You can use MMTTY with both receivers in a tworeceiver setup with a single stereo sound card. You will need to install two copies of MMTTY in two. Download Mtty Software' title='Download Mtty Software' />First, make sure you are familiar with basic operation of N1. MM Logger in CW and SSB. Its not a good idea to try to use the program in digital modes if you arent familiar with at least the basic operation see the Getting Started section of the manual for an introduction. Next, have a quick look at the Overview section below if you are new to digital modes, this may give you a better idea of how things fit together, and even if you are an old hand at digital modes, its worth taking a few minutes to ensure you know how to adjust sound card levels and sampling rates. Once you are ready to begin, decide which digital engines you want to use an external TUTNC, MMTTY, 2. Tone, MMVARI or Fldigi. One of these MMVARI is built in to the Logger, but the others all will need to be downloaded. Each digital engine used by the Logger stores its configuration information in the directory the engine is run from. For that reason, you should create a separate directory for each copy, separate from the directory you use when you run it stand alone or from some other logging program. These directories should not be in the C Program Files or CProgram Filesx. If you use more than one copy of a digital engine for example, for SO2. Download Mtty Software' title='Download Mtty Software' />V or SO2. R, or for additional RX only windows, you need a separate directory for each copy. For more detailed information, check out the following sections on Downloading and Installing MMTTY2. ToneFldigiGRITTY GRITTY is receive only and cannot be used from the main Digital Interface window. After these preliminaries, start N1. MM Logger and open the Configurer Config Configure Ports, Audio, Mode Control, Other. Make sure the Hardware tab is selected this is the tab the Configurer starts up in by default. Download Mtty Software' title='Download Mtty Software' />In what follows, it is assumed that you already have radio control, CW keying and PTT control configured and working, and what you are trying to do is add in the capability for digital modes. In many cases, especially if you are planning to use AFSK, you will already have PTT control configured from the Logger. If the same method you use in other modes is acceptable for digital modes, you dont need to do anything special about PTT for digital modes. If you are planning to use FSK for RTTY, you will be setting up a serial port for FSK keying from within the digital engine, and you can use that same serial port for PTT control in RTTY. If you are using VOX or an external VOX such as a Signa. Link, you do not need to configure PTT control in the Configurer. Issuu is a digital publishing platform that makes it simple to publish magazines, catalogs, newspapers, books, and more online. Easily share your publications and get. GIF' alt='Download Mtty Software' title='Download Mtty Software' />All that being said, there are two cases where you need to do something about PTT control for digital modes in the Configurer. The first is if you plan to use MMVARI as your digital engine, and you want to use a control line from a serial port for PTT control. In that case, you must designate that serial port in the Configurer, check the Digital check box for that port, set the appropriate control line DTR or RTS for PTT, and set the Dig. Wnd. Nr to 1 for most cases, or 2 for DI 2 in SO2. RSO2. V. The second case occurs if you are using a single serial port interface for both CWPTT keying in CWSSB, and also for FSK keying in RTTY. In that case you must check both the Digital and CWOther check boxes for that port, configure DTR and RTS for CWSSB, and set the Dig. Wnd. Nr 1 for SO1. V or for DI 1 in SO2. RSO2. V, 2 for DI 2 in SO2. RSO2. V. Next, you need to select the Digital Modes tab in the Configurer. First, set the TU Type to Soundcard unless you happen to be using a hardware TUTNC. If your main digital engine is MMTTY or 2. Tone, then under DI 1 MMTTY Setup, select AFSK or FSK as appropriate for your setup and set the MMTTY Path to point to the copy of MMTTY. Tone. exe you will be using with the Logger. If you will be doing SO2. V or SO2. R, repeat for a separate copy of the digital engine under DI 2 MMTTY Setup. If you will be using Fldigi, there are separate places to enter the paths to Fldigi. For all of these, it is recommended that you do not try typing in the path directly. Instead, click on the Select button, which opens a standard Windows file Open dialog window, and then navigate till you find the desired. Once the paths to the digital engines are set up, select the Mode Control tab in the Configurer. On the right side, beside RTTY, set the Mode sent to radio this should be RTTY if you are using FSK, but if you are using AFSK, it should be either AFSK if your radio offers a separate mode for AFSK RTTY, LSB for most radios with MMTTY or 2. Tone, or USB for Fldigi. This completes the basic steps in the N1. MM Logger Configurer. For more detailed explanation of the various options available, see the section below titled Setting Up the Configurer. Back in the main Entry window, if you have not already done so, choose a contest type that allows digital modes i. CW or SSB only contest, and set the Mode Category to one that includes RTTY or Digital dont choose MIXED thats for CWSSB only choose MIXEDDIG instead. Type RTTY into the call sign box and press Enter. This should open the Digital Interface window. If it does not, use the Window Digital Interface menu item to open the Digital Interface window in SO2. RSO2. V, each Entry window has its own Digital Interface window that opens from that Entry windows Window menu. If your preferred digital engine does not open e. MMVARI window when you wanted MMTTY, then in the Digital Interface window use the Interface menu item to switch to the digital engine you want to use use the MMTTY menu setting for both MMTTY and 2. Tone. Select the Setup Settings menu item in the Digital Interface window. Under Preferred RTTY Interface, select your preferred digital engine. Under Alignment Frequency, enter your preferred Mark audio frequency e. Hz, after making sure that this preferred Mark frequency is consistent with the default frequency in your digital program e. HAM setting in MMTTY and the default frequency in your radio. If you are using MMTTY, then under MMTTY Window Settings, select either Normal or Control Menus, in order to have easy access to the MMTTY setup window. When you have completed the setup in the Digital Setup window, click on Save Configuration. There are a host of other options in the Digital Interface and Digital Setup windows. A complete reference manual for the menu options in the DI window is in the section below titled The Digital Interface Menu Selections, and a reference manual for the Digital Setup window is in the section titled The Digital Interface Setup. For a description of how to use the DI window, see the section titled The Digital Interface Window. Youre not done yet. Now you have to complete the configuration inside the digital engine itself. This is especially important for FSK, since the configuration of the FSK port is carried out inside the digital engine, not in the N1. MM Logger program. There are separate chapters in the manual for MMTTY, MMVARI, Fldigi, and TNCsTUs. There are too many possibilities to cover here, so consult the chapters appropriate to your situation and complete the setup as described there. Setup Overview. Setting up an interface requires configuring the Logger for the selected interface. Configuring has to be done within N1. MM Logger in a few places, including the Configurer as well as the Digital Interface window. Ham. Scope Amateur Radio Digital Communications Interface. Version 1. 5. 6. Ham. Scope is a multi mode communications interface for amateur radio that. PSK3. 1 BPSK and QPSK, see. PSK3. 1 Home Page. RTTY Ham. Scope uses Makoto Moris. Engine ASCII both 7 bit and 8 bit protocols using MMTTY MFSK1. MFSK1. 6 Home Page. PACKET Ham. Scope uses George Rossopoulos. Engine CWHamscope also offers an advanced user interface with a multitude of features. ICOM, Ten. Tec, Kenwood. Yaesu transceivers 4. Ham. Scope has added data links to several logging andor radio. Ham. Scope is designed to run under Windows 9. NT, and requires. MHz Pentium class or better machine. SVGA color or greater. Users have reported that Ham. Scope. generally works fine on Windows 9. ME, XP, 2. 00. 0, and perhaps others. I will. not promise this, as I cannot test it across all systems of interest. If you run Win 9. Microsoft patches Year 2. OLE patch, as a minimum, to get it. Please visit the. Win 9. 5 and OLE. Windows XP and Newer Ham. Scope seems to work on Windows XP at. XP. There may be remaining issues with saving window size settings and some. MMTTY RTTY engine. Support for Windows Vista and newer variants is not planned at this time. Program Installation. The program consists of a single executable file Ham. Scope. exe. This file can be placed anywhere, but it is probably best to create a new. C Ham. Scope for example. If online. Ham. Scope. Ham. Scope. cnt should also. Simply unzip the Ham. Scopev. 15. 6. zip file in. Ham. Scopev. 15. 6. If you wish to use RTTY and ASCII modes in Ham. Scope. you must also download JE3. HHTs. MMTTY RTTY Engine. Ham. Scope folder you created. Also. to use either HF or VHF PACKET, you must download and configure SV2. AGWs. Engine in the Ham. Scope install folder. Please see the Sound Card Packet Site. Ralph Milnes KC2. RLM, for more info on packet operation using AGWPE and Ham. C# Read Excel File Example on this page. Scope. Once the program has been run once, it creates a Ham. Scope. ini file in. Windows directory usually C Windows. MMTTY also creates a couple. RTTY. Likewise, AGWPE. These. files store the current user program settings each time the program exits. Windows will also create a few other files if Help is used. Download Ham. Scope. Download English help files. Ham. Scope v. 1. 5 zip file archive. Download Spanish help files. Ham. Scope v. 1. 4 zip file archive. Thank you Antonio EA1. MV for your. translation. Download Italian help files. Ham. Scope v. 1. 4 zip file archive. Thank you Edoardo I5. PAC and Antonio. EA1. MV for this translation. Download Ham. Scope v. Download Ham. Scope v. Download the MMTTY RTTY Engine. RTTY in Ham. Scope Ham. Scope Technical Specifications. Ham. Scope Ham. Scope Support Group on Yahoo Groups Hamscope Home Page on Yahoo Groups Subscribe to Ham. Scope Group via Yahoo Unsubscribe to Ham. Scope Group via Yahoo Email Owner of Ham. Scope Group on Yahoo Groups Ham. Scope Mirror Site Thanks to. West Mountain Radio for hosting the Ham. Scope mirror site. Download English help files. Ham. Scope v. 1. 5. Download Spanish help files. Ham. Scope v. 1. 4 zip file archive. Thank you Antonio EA1. MV for your. translation. Download Italian help files. Ham. Scope v. 1. 4 zip file archive. Thank you Edoardo I5. PAC and Antonio. EA1. MV for this translation. Download Ham. Scope. Ham. Scope Technical Specifications. Ham. Scope Other Digital Links Ham. Scope Revision History. Update of version 1. MTTY engine hanging program. Ham. Scope. ini file in system directory. Moved all configuration data to the registry under HKEYCURRENTUSERSoftware to support some use of the program under Windows XP. Minor update of version 1. Minor update of version 1. Windows ME. fixed several more bugs and further refined the general program operation. Minor update of version 1. MODE field and support for DXBase 2. General Settings window fixed several more bugs and further refined the general program operation. Minor update of version 1. ICOM radio control interface with hex base address entryreworked waterfall display for higher resolution, changed default colormapfixed bugs in DXBase logging interface, and in writing ADIF filesfixed bugs in TRX Manager interface, and in LOGic 6 link added callsign lookup feature with LOGic 6 fixed several more bugs and further refined the general program operation. Minor update of version 1. TRX Manager linknew two way DDE interface to RYLogit using RYLogit ver 4. Update of version 1. PACKET mode using the AGWPE packet engine refined waterfallspectrum display quality added support for custom waterfall colormaps added additional radio control options for native Ham. Scope radio. control provided more flexibility in configuring serial ports for various. Major update of version 1. Ham. Scope DDE server added bandpass and notch filters added additional radio control options added hard keying using DTR for CW, direct FSK using the MMTTY. RTTY buffer sync issue. Major update of version 1. COM ports to provide a total of 8 removed suboptimal modes and features added MMTTY RTTY engine added support for multiple soundcards increased waterfall resolution updated AFC algorithms, added AFC bounds control added RST edit control and macro moved Use LSB to main window, renamed to Reverse polarity added support for additional ICOM, Ten. Tec, Kenwood, and Yaesu. Always on Top button to general setup fixed display sizing bug fixed slash 0 bug fixed a multitude of other bugs and oversights based on user. Original version.