Red Alert 2 Portable Download

Red Alert 2 Portable Download' title='Red Alert 2 Portable Download' />Command Conquer Red Alert. Command Conquer Red Alert un videogioco strategico in tempo reale prodotto dalla Westwood Studios e pubblicato dalla Virgin Interactive nel 1. Si tratta del secondo gioco della serie C C ed un prequel alloriginale Command Conquer del 1. Alleati contro unaggressiva Unione Sovietica per il controllo dellEuropa. Inizialmente era disponibile per PC le versioni MS DOS Windows 9. Play. Station. Dal 2. Command Conquer Red Alert per Play. Station 3 e Play. Station Portable tramite Play. Station Network5. Il gioco si basa su un universo alternativo, nel quale Einstein ha inventato la macchina del tempo e con essa tornato indietro nel tempo per uccidere Hitler prima che il partito nazista salisse al potere Einstein, in questo modo, voleva evitare linizio della Seconda guerra mondiale. LUnione Sovietica, trovatasi senza nessun cuscinetto a Ovest ossia senza i nazisti, si quindi espansa in questa direzione. Da qui inizia la lotta in unEuropa alternativa, tra gli Alleati, ossia una coalizione formata da USA, Gran Bretagna e altre nazioni, e limpero Sovietico al giocatore spetta la scelta di quale fazione guidare verso la vittoria, in una guerra che vede il suo epilogo o a Londra per i sovietici o a Mosca per gli alleati. Nel finale sovietico, inoltre, viene rivelato che la vera mente delle operazioni Kane, lantagonista principale della serie classica, che appare inizialmente come consigliere di Stalin, e il suo scopo sfruttare i sovietici per portare avanti gli scopi della propria organizzazione, la Fratellanza di Nod, che viene esplicitamente nominata luniverso di Red Alert e quello della serie classica, quindi, sono correlati tra di loro, e si rivelano essere originati da una serie di viaggi nel tempo successivi, che hanno di volta in volta stravolto gli eventi biforcando le linee temporali. Il gioco ripropone la modalit di gioco di Command Conquer, aggiungendo filmati con attori veri, uniti a filmati in grafica al computer, che ai tempi fecero letteralmente scalpore per le capacit tecniche dimostrate dalla Westwood Studios. La campagna del gioco ce ne sono due, una per i sovietici e una per gli alleati si articola in una serie di missioni che il giocatore, nei panni di un comandante delle forze armate, dovr portare a termine. Skirmish, dove possibile scegliere liberamente scenario e condizioni di gioco. Era possibile anche il gioco multiplayer, attraverso il sito della Westwood oppure telefonando direttamente al numero di telefono del giocatore che faceva da server utilizzando il modem, ma non la connessione ad Internet. Il videogioco ebbe un notevole successo e questo spinse gli Westwood Studios a realizzare due espansioni per il videogioco Counterstrike e The Aftermath. Download PortableApps. Portable software for USB, portable, and cloud drives. PortableApps. com is the worlds most popular portable software solution. Ventis Pro Series Stop carrying multiple instruments to meet your gas detection needs. The Ventis Pro Series has you covered whether you need unique fourgas or. The Body And Society Turner Pdf. In seguito le due espansioni vennero riunite in un unico videogioco pubblicato per Play. Station con il titolo Retaliation. Il seguito del gioco Command Conquer Red Alert 2. Il 3. 1 agosto 2. Command Conquer Red Alert 3, la EA Games ha pubblicato il gioco come freeware. Westwood Studios, Westwood Studios Official Command Conquer Red Alert FAQ List TXT, Westwood Studios, 2. URL consultato il 2. Westwood Studios, Official Command Conquer FAQ v. TXT, ftp. westwood. URL consultato il 1. Westwood Studios, Official Command Conquer Gold FAQ v. TXT, ftp. westwood. URL consultato il 1. Kanes Dossier, EA Games, Command and Conquer 3 official website, 2. URL consultato il 2. PSN Update at Three SpeechDownload Red Alert for freehttp www. Download the full game legitimately and for freeCommand Conquer Red Alert seriesCommand Conquer Red Alert. Genres. Real time strategy. Developers. Electronic Arts, Westwood. Publishers. Electronic Arts. Platforms. Microsoft Windows, Xbox 3. Play. Station 3, Mac OS X, Play. Red Alert 2 Portable Download' title='Red Alert 2 Portable Download' />Station, Nintendo 6. Play. Station Portable, DOS, i. Phone. Year of inception. First release. Command Conquer Red Alert. November 2. 2, 1. Latest release. Command Conquer Red Alert. October 1. 6, 2. 00. Command Conquer Red Alert is a series of real time strategyvideo games set within the Command Conquer series. The Red Alert series takes place in an alternate timeline, created when Albert Einstein travels back to the past and eliminates Adolf Hitler in an attempt to prevent World War II from taking place. This plan indirectly backfires and results in an unchecked Soviet invasion of Europe by Joseph Stalin in the 1. The Stalin led invasion of Europe serves as the backdrop for the first Command Conquer Red Alert game. Two expansion packs for Red Alert were released Counterstrike and The Aftermath. New units, missions, multiplayer maps and music tracks were included in these expansions. The story of the original Command Conquer Red Alert game portrays the early in universe history of the main Command Conquer storyline, and leads directly to the Tiberium story arc of the Command Conquer franchise. However, with the addition of the title Command Conquer Red Alert 2 at the hands of a new team of developers in September 2. Red Alert series were forming a separate continuity altogether, or just another side adventure on the way to the Tiberian era. At the time of the release of the 1. Command Conquer The First Decade, this new and second Command Conquer development team claimed in interviews on the packs bonus DVD that the games existed as three separate universes Tiberium, Red Alert and Generals. However, with the release of the title of Command Conquer 3 Tiberium Wars in 2. EA Los Angeles, Electronic Arts published a featured document pertaining to Tiberium Warss storyline in which a direct reference to Kanes appearance in the 1. Command Conquer Red Alert is made. On July 2. Command Conquer Renegade themed modification for the game Crysis was officially announced by Electronic Arts, which is stated to directly link the first Red Alert game to Command Conquer Tiberian Dawn. Wraparound Program Seattle here. Command Conquer Red Alert 2 is a stand alone sequel to the original Red Alert game, which unlike its predecessor makes no references to the Tiberium story arc, and which came with its own expansion pack Command Conquer Yuris Revenge. In the storyline of Red Alert 2, the Soviet Union invades the United States, using mind control technology to capture US forces and deactivate Americas nuclear arsenal. In Yuris Revenge, Soviet Premier Romanovs advisor Yuri attempts to overtake the world by using his psychic dominator technology. A second and last attempt to stop Yuris plans sends the player back in time to the conflict occurring in Red Alert 2, but instead of fighting the SovietsAllies, the player fights against Yuri. Command Conquer creator Westwood Studios also released a music disc with the music from the Red Alert series. This disc came bundled with some of the later release versions of the games. The basis of the Red Alert series is that in 1. Trinity site in New Mexico, Albert Einstein created a Chronosphere time machine. Traveling back to Landsberg, Germany, he met a young Adolf Hitler just after the latters release from Landsberg Prison in 1. Hitlers existence from time by disturbing the space time continuum. This prevented Nazi Germany from forming and averted World War II as we know it from taking place. Without Nazi Germany to stand in the way of Joseph Stalins ambitions of conquest, the USSR tries to form a Soviet Union stretching across the entire Eurasian landmass in 1. The nations of Europe, including Germany, form the Allies as a Soviet invasion precipitates a different World War II Red Alert and eventually a Soviet invasion of the United States in 1. Red Alert 2, Yuris Revenge. The Soviet Union is ultimately on the losing side. In Red Alert 3, by 1. Soviet Union teeters on the brink of collapse. Seeing the Premiers office empty, Cherdenko reveals Dr. Zelinskys Soviet time machine to General Krukov. To retroactively save their country, Cherdenko travels back to 1. Krukov and Zelinsky in tow to assassinate the man behind the Allies technological superiority. As Albert Einstein comes off stage from giving a speech, Cherdenko shakes his hand with disintegrative results. The trio is then returned to 1. Soviet Army has the Allied forces on the brink of defeat in Europe and Cherdenko is Premier of the USSR. Just as the gloating starts, an ultra advanced and previously nonexistent Empire of the Rising Sun embarks on world domination. Without Einstein, calls to use the USSRs formidable nuclear weapon arsenal are met with blank stares, as the atom bomb has apparently never been developed in this new timeline. Thus while the Soviets and Allied battle amongst themselves the Empire of the Rising Sun enters the chaos and a three way world war breaks out for total control of the globe. Games in the serieseditProduction historyeditCommand Conquer Red AlerteditReleased in October, 1. Command Conquer Red Alert was the second Command Conquer game to be released by Westwood Studios. Instead of returning directly to the Tiberian universe, Westwood Studios decided to create a game centered around the concept of What would happen if World War II hadnt happened The resulting game of Command Conquer Red Alert became the prequel to the original Command Conquer. Two expansion packs were released within a year, called Counterstrike and The Aftermath, these were also released for the Play. Station in a pack called Retaliation, with additional missions and cut scenes. Command Conquer Red Alert 2editIn this sequel to Red Alert, the Soviets launch an attack on the United States. With the aid of Yuri, Premier Romanov is able to avert the nuclear retaliation of the Americans and he is able to gain a foothold in the United States itself. Red Alert 2 features new and old units and technologies and feature a variety of countries within each faction AlliesSoviets. Each country features his own unique unitbuildingtechnology the Americans have Paratroopers, the Koreans have Black Eagle fighter jets, the French have a Grand Cannon defensive structure, the Germans have a Tank Destroyer vehicle, the British can train Snipers Russia has Tesla Tanks, Libya has suicide Demolition Trucks, Iraq has Desolator troops and Cuba has suicide Terrorists. An expansion to Red Alert 2, Yuris Revenge, was released in which the powerful psychic Yuri tries to achieve world domination. Secretly during the war with the Americans, Yuri has been constructing his own army across the globe and he turns on the Soviets which result in the Allies and Soviets having to ally against Yuri. The game takes place in another alternate timeline, starting with the end of the war in Red Alert 2 having the Soviets lost, but Yuri taking over the worlds minds using his Psychic Dominator.